Monday, November 28, 2005


Let me say here that there are no formulas that you can use to make a decision. All people are different and all situations are different. That is why we have to rely on a process that incorporates Godly principles and the guidance of the Holy Spirit. Also, if there were formulas then the decision process would be negated and our path would be predetermined. However, since we do have free will and therefore a choice, the decision making process is a real process that must be activated by us.


We have to be on guard against influences. It is very possible to begin to move in the direction of influence from others instead of making an objective decision based on simple information. For example, we may tend to move in one direction in the decision making process because of the biased comments of someone. Try to ignore or put aside any opinions of others. Only accept facts from people and not their pains, expectations, etc. Try not to be influenced by someone when you are trying to obtain information.
You do not want to be influenced. Just be careful what influences you and how. You definitely want to be influenced by the Holy Spirit and the word of God. Furthermore, your own convictions and desires will influence you as well. Also realize that the people closest to you have a greater opportunity to influence you the most (Ex. Wife, co-worker).

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