Wednesday, November 30, 2005


What is the time frame for your decision? Do you have to make a decision now, tomorrow, next week, or next month? Knowing how much time you have to make a decision can make the process a lot easier on you if you find that you have plenty of time that can be used for research. However, if you don’t have much time then be content to do what you can. No one can logically expect you to be the bionic brain. You need information to make a decision and limited time means limited information.

Judge by Senses?

Consider the decision making process that we have discussed so far. It involved the acquisition of information, the processing of that information, and then a decision based on the process. Notice, in an absolute sense, there seems to be no provision for God to intervene in the process. However, that is not true. There are plenty of places for God to intervene in the decision making process if we include more than the senses that we have, the knowledge, and abilities that we have. Consider the following scripture.
(Isaiah 11:1-3 NIV) "A shoot will come up from the stump of Jesse; from his roots a Branch will bear fruit. {2} The Spirit of the LORD will rest on him-- the Spirit of wisdom and of understanding, the Spirit of counsel and of power, the Spirit of knowledge and of the fear of the LORD-- {3} and he will delight in the fear of the LORD. He will not judge by what he sees with his eyes, or decide by what he hears with his ears;"
This scripture is a prophecy concerning Jesus Christ. However, I want to point out something that this scripture reveals. It reveals a decision making process that is not dependent on what is seen with the eyes or heard with the ears. In a general sense, we can say that this decision making process is not dependent on the physical senses. What then is the bases of this process? These scriptures reveals the answer to this question. It says that The "Spirit of the LORD will rest on him-- the Spirit of wisdom and of understanding, the Spirit of counsel and of power, the Spirit of knowledge and of the fear of the LORD."

Tuesday, November 29, 2005


Read Exodus 18:12-27. The point that I want to bring out here is that Moses was making many decisions that he did not have to make thus wearing himself down. There may be many times when we feel that we have to make a decision alone. However, sometimes it would be most helpful if we either got help from someone or if we can delegate the decision making process to someone else whom we trust.
Therefore, try asking yourself the following questions when you are confronted with a situation that seems to demand a decision.

* Do I have to make this decision, that is, is a decision necessary?
* Can someone help me in the decision making process?
* Can I delegate?

Never feel that you have to do everything yourself. We are tempted to think this way because we want things to go a certain way—our way. However, sometimes it is more effective and efficient to get help or even to delegate the decision to someone else if that is applicable.


The President of the United States have advisors to help him make decisions. Company officials also have a similar advisory board structure. This results in the load of making the decisions being spread out over different people providing different insights, perspectives, and experiences.

Do you have an advisor or advisors. Your advisor may not be the same for all situations. However, it is good to know who your resources are. Who can you talk to about certain thing. Your goal for the most part is not to turn the decision over to them but to acquire information that will help you ease your decision making process. It is also easier on your mind.

Monday, November 28, 2005


Let me say here that there are no formulas that you can use to make a decision. All people are different and all situations are different. That is why we have to rely on a process that incorporates Godly principles and the guidance of the Holy Spirit. Also, if there were formulas then the decision process would be negated and our path would be predetermined. However, since we do have free will and therefore a choice, the decision making process is a real process that must be activated by us.


We have to be on guard against influences. It is very possible to begin to move in the direction of influence from others instead of making an objective decision based on simple information. For example, we may tend to move in one direction in the decision making process because of the biased comments of someone. Try to ignore or put aside any opinions of others. Only accept facts from people and not their pains, expectations, etc. Try not to be influenced by someone when you are trying to obtain information.
You do not want to be influenced. Just be careful what influences you and how. You definitely want to be influenced by the Holy Spirit and the word of God. Furthermore, your own convictions and desires will influence you as well. Also realize that the people closest to you have a greater opportunity to influence you the most (Ex. Wife, co-worker).

Friday, November 25, 2005


The way to make an effective decision is simply to weigh the facts and information including the things that we listed above. Your convictions, affections, priorities, and the prompting of the Holy Spirit will guide you to the decision that needs to be made. The basic process is to weigh the information and generate a decision based on the outcome of processing the information you have. What is important here is having quality information and resources as well as having as sound a mind as possible in order to process the information that you have gathered. Let's look at the processing stage a little closer.

Using Your Mind

Some Christians may feel that they have to hear a word from God in order to inform them of which choice to select in the overall decision making process. God did not create you with a mind to think and not intend for you to use it. We do have to think in order to make a decision else we are not really deciding. However, what is involved with our thinking is the real question. The Holy Spirit is just as active in our thinking process as he is in all areas of our life. Therefore, do not think that thinking implies a neglect of hearing the voice of God. Thinking is only using the God given process that you have.

Thursday, November 24, 2005


I am thankful for:...the mess to clean after a party because it means I have been surrounded by friends....The taxes I pay because it means that I'm employed....The clothes that fit a little too snug because it means I have enought to eat....My shadow who watches me work because it means I am out in the sunshine....A lawn that needs mowing, windows that need cleaning and gutters that need fixing becuase it means I have a home....All the complaining I hear about our government because it means we have freedom of speech....The spot I find at the far end of the parking lot because it means I am capable of walking....My huge heating bill because it means I am w! arm....The lady behind me in church who sings off key because it means that I can hear....The piles of laundry and ironing because it means my loved ones are nearby....Weariness and aching muscles at the end of the day because it means I have been productive....The alarm that goes off in the early morning hours because it means that I'm alive.


There are some basic items that we need to do and have in order to make effective decisions. Foremost we need information. Though information is very important in the decision making process, there are many other factors that are needed. Let me list the items that I believe we need to make effective decisions.
Information – How much do you know about the things involved? The more information you have about the options the more effective decision you can make. Without sufficient information, your decision may be based on emotions or the influences of others. For example, if you are trying to decide whether to purchase a Honda Accord or a Volvo Station wagon, then you need to know as much about both vehicles as possible. Only then will you be able to make an effective decision.
Proper priorities – Establish proper priorities relative to the situation at hand. What may be a major decision may not be necessary because the situation and its outcome may have a very low priority relative to other things that are going on in your life. Of course, establishing proper priorities is a job in itself and no one can do this except you.
Proper perspective (The overall picture) – It is very beneficial that you obtain a bird’s eye view of the entire situation. Otherwise, something that may seem extremely significant may not be significant at all relative to the entire scope of things in your life or the situation itself. Also, what may seem a minor decision may in fact be a major decision relative to the overall situation. Don’t focus on the immediate. Try to see the situation as a whole.
An awareness and sensitivity to the Holy Spirit – We must be aware of the Holy Spirit operating in our life. We have to consider him when we view the information, make our priorities, and view the entire situation. If we do not consider the Holy Spirit then we are left with the activity of leaning on our own understanding and abilities. Awareness of the Spirit of God is crucial to making effective decisions.
Biblical principles relevant to the situation at hand – It will be most helpful in many situations if we are aware of a Biblical principle relating to the situation at hand. Knowing what the word of God teaches about a situation will remove much of the pressure and stress to decide one way or another.
Resources – Resources provide information. Use as many resources as you can or deem necessary to obtain insight, proper perspective, and information concerning your situation. One of your greatest resource is other people. People will help you by providing various insights and perspectives of a situation which in turn will help your perspective of the whole.
Awareness of your own convictions, desires, and affections – This is very important to making an effective decision. You may end up making a decision based on the influences of others (external things in general) instead of being influenced by your own convictions if you don’t consider what you want. Know what you want and where you want to go so that you avoid going where others think you should go or do what they think you should do.

Wednesday, November 23, 2005


I want to distinguish a good decision from an effective decision. "A good decision satisfies and an effective decision produces." We are prone to make a decision that will satisfy our desire to have something good or to do something that is good. On another note, we are prone to make a decision that will be good for us. However, what we perceive as good for us may indeed be bad for us or at the very least not in accordance with God’s plan. Good is relative to our emotions and perception. Our concept of good is very faulty and will not stand up to the will of God. Jesus said "There is only One who is good." in Matthew 19:17. All that is good is of God. No one can determine what is good and what is not on an absolute sense. Consider the following scenario.
Suppose we see an animal that is suffering to the point that you know it is going to die? A common answer is to put the animal out of it’s misery. That would be good for the animal because we would relieve it of its suffering because of our mercy. Killing the animal looks cruel on the surface but we have justified it by our concept of what is good for the animal. Consider also a person who we consider to be a good person. What makes that person good? They are a nice person, they don’t hurt anyone, they are kind, etc. These things are only superficial however and cannot be used to determine what is good. I would dare say that the trials and pains that we go through in life are sometimes ordained by God for our good. That doesn’t mean that God is going around harming people but that sometimes our pains, associated with trials, tribulations, and the situations of life, will in effect produce good in us or for us.
Now if we apply the above principle to decisions we see right away that we cannot depend on our concept of what is good for us. We are forced to look to God for assistance. We aren’t looking for God to tell us what to do all of the time as some do. We are looking to God for wisdom (discernment), knowledge, information, insight, etc. so that we can use the Spirit trained mind (see Romans 12:2) that we have to make the most effective decision. We see in yet another life situation where we have to learn to trust God. We also see that we are not alone and that God is for us in all aspects of our life. Consider the following scripture.
(Romans 8:28 NIV) And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.

(Proverbs 3:5-6 NIV) Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; {6} in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight.
The concept of "the good" must be referenced to God’s realm else we will move into things that we think are good. God’s omniscience and omnipresence transcends anything that we can bring to the table in an effort to do what is good—including making good decisions. Leaning on our understanding should be understood in light of the fact of excluding God from normal everyday decisions and activities. Consider that your life and where you go is a result of the decisions that you make. How important do you think it is to get God involved in those decisions thus your life!


The purpose of this study is to provide you with information that I believe will help you make more effective decisions. I am not trying to present a formula for making good decisions because what is called good is relative and no two decisions involve exactly the same circumstances. Therefore, I am presenting my knowledge of making effective decisions..
I define an effective decision as a decision that is made and produces the desired or most effective result. What we perceive as good, therefore may not point to the most effective decision. Let me talk about this a little bit.

Friday, November 11, 2005

Duele amar a alguien y no ser correspondidos, pero lo que es más doloroso es amar a alguien y nunca encontrar el valor para decirle a esa persona lo que sientes. Tal vez Dios quiere que nosotros conozcamos a unas cuantas personas equivocadas antes de conocer a la persona correcta, para que al fin cuando la conozcamos, sepamos ser agradecidos por ese maravilloso regalo.

Una de las cosas más tristes de la vida es cuando conoces a alguien que significa todo y solo para darte cuenta que al final, no era para ti y lo tienes que dejar ir. Cuando la puerta de la felicidad se cierra, otra puerta se abre, pero algunas veces miramos tanto tiempo a aquella puerta que se cerró, que no vemos la que se ha abierto frente a nosotros

Es cierto que no sabemos lo que tenemos hasta que lo perdemos, pero también es cierto que no sabemos lo que nos hemos estado perdiendo hasta que lo encontramos. Darle a alguien todo tu amor nunca es un seguro de que te corresponderán, pero no esperes que te correspondan; solo espera que el amor crezca en el corazón de la otra persona, pero si no crece sé feliz porque creció en el tuyo.

Hay cosas que te encantaría oír que nunca escucharás de la persona que te gustaría que te las dijera, pero no seas tan sorda(o) para no oírlas de aquel que las dice desde su corazón.

Nunca digas adiós si todavía quieres tratar. Nunca te des por vencida(o) si sientes que puedes seguir luchando. Nunca le digas a una persona que ya no la amas si no puedes dejarla ir.

El amor llega a aquel que espera, aunque lo hallan decepcionado; a aquel que aun cree, aunque haya sido traicionado; a aquel que todavía necesite amar, aunque antes haya sido lastimado; y a aquel que tiene el coraje y la fe para construir la confianza de nuevo.

El principio del amor es dejar que aquellos que conocemos sean ellos mismos, y no tratarlos de voltear con nuestra propia imagen, porque entonces solo amaremos el reflejo de nosotros mismos en ellos. No vayas por el exterior, este te puede engañar; no vayas por las riquezas porque aun eso se pierde; ve por alguien que te haga sonreír, porque toma tan solo una sonrisa para hacer que un día oscuro brille.

Thursday, November 10, 2005

Siempre hay una respuesta..

Es Imposible?:
Todo es Posible - Lucas 18:27 -

Estoy Canzado:
Yo te haré descanzar - Mateo 11:16-30 -

Nadie me ama:
Yo te amo - Juan 3:16 y 13:34 -

No Puedo Continuar:
"Mi gracia es suficiente" - 1 Corintios 12:9 -

No Entiendo las Cosas:
"Yo te guiaré" - Proverbios 3:5-6 -

No lo puedo hacer:
Tu puedes hacerlo - Filipenses 4:13 -

No me puedo Perdonar:
Yo te perdono - 1 Juan 1:9 y Romanos 8:1 -

Me siento Solo:
Nunca te dejaré solo - Hebreos 13:5 -

a las cosas negativas tenemos que decirle: Dios tiene la respuesta para ello..

Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Dominican Stuffs (spanish)

Diccionario Dominicano Nuestro pueblo ha cambiado el rumbo del Castellano:

El dominicano no te engaña: te lo mete frío
El dominicano no en infiel: pega cuernos
El dominicano no es mentiroso: es jablador
El dominicano no es experto: es un verdugo
El dominicano no eyacula: echa un polvo El dominicano no consigue: liga o guisa
El dominicano no anda en autobuses: anda en guagua
Al dominicano no le dan un aventón: le dan una bola
El dominicano no se emborracha: se da un jumo
El dominicano no resbala: patina El dominicano no se cae: gotea
El dominicano no espía: brecha
El dominicano no bromea: tripea
El dominicano no se enamora: se asfixia
El dominicano no convence: da muela
El dominicano no besuquea: chulea
El dominicano no lame: lambe
El dominicano no acaricia: soba
El dominicano no se lanza: se jondea
El dominicano no molesta: fuñe
El dominicano no se baña: se echa agua
El dominicano no llena su estomago: se jarta
El dominicano no se molesta: se quilla o encojona
El dominicano no te golpea: te e'plota
El dominicano no sufre de diarrea: sufre de churria
El dominicano no fracasa: se gualla
El dominicano no encuentra: jalla
El dominicano no comparte en grupo: hace coro
El dominicano no trepa: se encarama
El dominicano no se abaja: se aplata
El dominicano no se baja: se apea
El dominicano no ordena: acoteja
Al dominicano no le es difícil: coje lucha
El dominicano no va rápido: va como un chele o como la jond'er diablo
El dominicano no te abandona: te saca lo' pie'
El dominicano no rie hasta mas no poder: s'eplota 'e la risa
El dominicano no toma siestas: hecha pavitas
El dominicano no se viste: se cambia
El dominicano no sale corriendo: se embala
Los dominicanos no se ven luego: se "chequean"
El dominicano no quiebra: Ta' en olla
El dominicano no se va del lugar: se desgarita
El dominicano no se atraganta: se añuga
El dominicano no busca pelea: arma una piña
El dominicano no te da una bofetada: te da una galleta
El dominicano no se pasa de tragos: se prende, se enciende o se pone en 'su punto'.
El dominicano no habla incoherencias: es un baboso
El dominicano no duda: se pone chivoY al final... El dominicano no muere: guinda los tenis.

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Tree of Dreams

each dream is a seed

the seed ofa tree
a tree fun of life
and what your life can be
your dreams are windows
throughwich you can see

a hint of your future

and what you can be

each night when you sleep

you are feeding the seed

the seed of the tree

of who you will be